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Comedy and drama throughout...

With her book Facelift Hotel, author Maggie Lockridge takes you behind the scenes of Shanteque, the legendary luxurious cosmetic surgery recovery retreat historically located in the heart of Beverly Hills. Peek into the rooms of the stars, celebrities and ultra-rich as they sought to alter and repair the ravages of time through trickery via the scalpel.

You'll share in the comedy and the drama—of the recuperative kind. Learn what ultra temperamental patients complained about, what they demanded, and the suprising visitors who were scurried into their deluxe suites after dark. Discover who are the most sought-after surgeons and the procedures they excel at.

You will also learn to navigate the difficult path through aging and how to fend off Grandmother Nature's cruel and vengeful ways.

Maggie’s extensive experience with plastic surgery began in 1987 as Charge Nurse and then Administrator of Le Petit Ermitage, Beverly Hill’s first luxury aftercare facility annexed to the five star L’Ermitage Hotel.  In 1994 Maggie established Chantique which later became Shanteque and in the course of eighteen years in aftercare, she supervised the care of over 40,000 recuperating guests.  Shanteque cared for the patients of 60 of Los Angeles finest surgeons.

Explore links above to laugh, learn and luxuriate with the elite of the world's capital of cosmetic surgery...


  Book option available for 30-minute TV comedy.  Treatment upon request, first two episodes completed for submission, content for additional seven episodes. Phone 310 245 6775
general information mail Maggie Lockridge