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About Maggie Lockridge

Her first year as an R.N. was spent at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital in NYC as a surgical nurse.  Next came a two year employment as an Industrial Nurse at the General Motors Futurama Pavilion during the World's Fair of 1964-1965 in Flushing N.Y.   Maggie joined the U.S.A.F.N.C. (United States Air Force Nurse Corps) in 1966 and married a fighter pilot in 1967.   They were blessed with two beautiful children and raised them in Hawaii.
In 1986 she moved to Los Angeles and spent the next eighteen years as Owner/Administrator  of  Shanteque, a recovery facility for those undergoing plastic/cosmetic procedures.  Always functioning out of a private wing of luxury hotels, Maggie oversaw the needs of guests from around the country and from every corner of the world.  Maggie was referred to by writers as "The most recognized and least acknowledged woman in Beverly Hills."  So many women of Beverly Hills had been her guest and under her care, but no one acknowledged her in public, to keep the illusion that their beauty was god-given.  Maggie has administered to the  aftercare of over 40,000 guests.
Her guest list ranged from actors and actresses, business men and women, politicians, the socially prominent and to men and women from all walks of life who desire to fight grandmother nature or embellish her work.  Los Angeles has been designated as the cosmetic surgery capital of the world with more surgical procedures taking place there than any other city.  Maggie feels that her job was unique to her profession and could probably only succeed in the city of beauty, Los Angeles. She sold the business in 2005.

FACELIFT HOTEL is divided into 3 parts. It introduces: 1. The drama and hysterics of daily life at Shanteque; 2. The true reality of undergoing cosmetic procedures regarding pain, swelling, bruising etc., 3. Maggie's favorite surgeons and the procedures they excel at in the Los Angeles area. Maggie invites you to read Facelift Hotel and laugh all the way to your plastic surgeon.


  Book option available for 30-minute TV comedy.  Treatment upon request, first two episodes completed for submission, content for additional seven episodes. Phone 310 245 6775
general information mail Maggie Lockridge